
Here's : *enjoy!*

  1. JAGA KESEHATAN. Maksudnya adalah minum jamu daun pepaya dan kunir-asem setiap pagi, malemnya minum susu kalsium, sebelum dan sesudah tidur 10 kali gerakan sit-up secara BENAR, tidur minumal 8 jam sehari, hindari dulu yang lemak-lemakan, atur porsi dan kalori saat makan, & seminggu dua kali ke gym buat fitness.
  2. PRAY 5 times a day :)
  3. SAVING money!! hahahaha. this is difficult. but i'll do my best :)
  4. LOVING and CARING everyone in mylife.
  5. BE PATIENT! enok sabar, disayang Adit! :p
just 1 month. we'll see, how far.. :)

ada hal-hal yang sebaiknya kita tidak tau, daripada harus tau..

because it can change ur life.
absolutely 360 degree different with ur own now.


ketika sekumpulan orang-orang itu berjalan,
bagaikan menjelma menjadi tembok tinggi dan kokoh!
sehingga tidak ada satu pun yang bisa melewati tembok itu...
tak mau menjadi batu kerikil di antara intan berkilau nan mewah!

pantas kah kami menjadi tembok-tembok yang sombong itu?

for real, we aren't...

I dont believe it and I dont know what i have to do.
The fortune tellers said that they see nothing in 2013.
It means resurrection?
Or they can't see anything because of 2013? 13 means bad in my country.

But from deepest of my heart.
I pray, oh God, please...
I don't have anything to face this thing.
I don't have provision to meet You.
Oh... Ask just for my one's blessing,
Give me one more time and I will deserve my self to pious to You.

And, if my blessing you can't approve it,
Please ... Get my wedding with him asap and fluent.


i plan that tonight i will write my should-to-do in 2009.
better than never right?

nwy, i went no where when NYE.
it doesn't matter.
just stay at home and slept.
