
Inspiration from mbak tasha's note. :) thank you sist.

For all of you my friends, kira2 nomer brp sih km... check it by urself. ;)

1. A woman
She's older than me and my other classmates. ;) Gak salah dong kalo dia jadi sperti "mami" buat anak2 kelas.
She's skinny! but don't jugde book by its cover. Makannya boook, giliiiing terus. Suaranya pun topmarkotop.. Lagunya Lirih-Chrisye aja lbh ooke dia yg bawain...

2. A man
Honestly, I want to write bout him at first, but maybe you can know who he is :)
Yes, he's really great man for me. Ever! His love.. :) sweetest man! :) I love his smile for sure!
Yes, his smile makes me jedak-jeduk! Ough!

3. A woman
married and mom-to-be (now!) She really fun! Enak buat seneng2, enak buat nggosip, enak buat diajak makan (apalagi skrg dg keadaan perutnya yg mbendung!) pokoknya top makotop! Hmm.. I guess, she can be the best mom for her children ever!

Selanjutnya bsk2 lagi yaaa?? Sebenernya masih bnyk! Tp capek ngetiknya! :p